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The Efficacy and Side Effects of Amaranth

by 플마라(PLMARA) 2023. 3. 28.

Amaranth is a gluten-free, protein-rich grain that has been consumed for thousands of years in Central and South America. It is considered a superfood due to its high nutritional value, containing a variety of vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C. In recent years, amaranth has gained popularity in Western countries due to its health benefits and versatility in cooking.

Health Benefits of Amaranth

1. Rich in Nutrients

Amaranth is a nutrient-dense food, meaning it provides a high amount of vitamins and minerals in relation to its calorie content. It is particularly high in iron, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C. A single cup of cooked amaranth provides approximately 116% of the daily recommended intake of iron, 40% of magnesium, 18% of calcium, and 11% of vitamin C.

2. May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Amaranth contains a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which has been shown to help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology found that consuming amaranth for six weeks significantly decreased LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in rats.

3. May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Amaranth contains a variety of anti-inflammatory compounds, such as peptides and squalene, which may help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is linked to many chronic diseases, including arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.

4. May Help Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Amaranth is a low glycemic index food, meaning it releases sugar into the bloodstream slowly and steadily, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. This makes it a good option for people with diabetes or those who are looking to manage their blood sugar levels.

Side Effects of Amaranth

While amaranth is generally considered safe for most people, there are some potential side effects to be aware of.

1. Oxalate Content

Amaranth contains a high amount of oxalates, which are naturally occurring compounds found in many plant-based foods. In large amounts, oxalates can form crystals that can lead to kidney stones. People who are at risk of kidney stones may want to limit their consumption of amaranth and other high-oxalate foods.

2. Allergic Reactions

While rare, some people may experience an allergic reaction to amaranth. Symptoms may include hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms after consuming amaranth, seek medical attention immediately.

3. Anti-Nutrient Content

Amaranth contains anti-nutrients such as phytic acid and tannins, which can bind to certain minerals and prevent their absorption in the body. This can potentially lead to nutrient deficiencies over time. However, soaking or sprouting amaranth before cooking can help reduce the anti-nutrient content and improve mineral absorption.

How to Incorporate Amaranth into Your Diet

Amaranth can be cooked similarly to other grains like rice or quinoa. It has a nutty, slightly sweet flavor and a soft, fluffy texture. Here are some ways to incorporate amaranth into your diet:

  • Cook it as a side dish, just like rice or quinoa.
  • Add it to soups or stews for extra texture and nutrition.
  • Use it as a substitute for oats in breakfast porridge or granola.
  • Make amaranth flour and use it in baking, such as for muffins, pancakes, or bread.


Overall, amaranth is a highly nutritious food that can offer a variety of health benefits. It is rich in nutrients, may help lower cholesterol levels, has anti-inflammatory effects, and may help regulate blood sugar levels. However, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects of amaranth, such as its high oxalate content, potential for allergic reactions, and the presence of anti-nutrients.

If you are interested in incorporating amaranth into your diet, there are many delicious and healthy ways to do so. Whether you cook it as a side dish, add it to soups and stews, or use it in baking, amaranth can offer a tasty and nutritious addition to your meals.

As with any new food, it is important to start with small amounts and monitor your body's reaction to it. If you have any concerns about the safety or potential side effects of amaranth, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.

In conclusion, amaranth is a nutritious and versatile food that can provide a variety of health benefits. While there are some potential side effects to be aware of, overall it is considered safe for most people to consume in moderation. Adding amaranth to your diet can be a great way to boost your nutrient intake and support your overall health and well-being.

