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Introduction to Markdown

by 플마라(PLMARA) 2023. 2. 10.

Markdown is a popular formatting language that is widely used for creating simple and clean content on the web. It was created in 2004 by John Gruber as a way to write structured text that could easily be converted to HTML. The syntax of Markdown is simple and intuitive, making it a popular choice for writing content for blogs, wikis, and other online platforms.

Basic Syntax

Markdown uses a simple syntax to format text. Some of the most common formatting options include:

  • Headers: You can create headers by using the hash symbol (#) followed by a space and the text. The number of hashes determines the level of the header. For example, one hash creates a level 1 header, two hashes create a level 2 header, and so on.
       # Level 1 Header
       ## Level 2 Header
       ### Level 3 Header
  • Bold and italic: You can make text bold by using double asterisks (**) on either side of the text, and you can make text italic by using single asterisks (*) on either side of the text.
       **Bold Text**
       *Italic Text*
  • Lists: You can create ordered and unordered lists in Markdown. For ordered lists, you use numbers followed by a period and a space, and for unordered lists, you use asterisks followed by a space.
       1. Ordered List Item
       2. Another Ordered List Item
       - Unordered List Item
       - Another Unordered List Item
  • Links: You can create links in Markdown by using square brackets for the text and parentheses for the URL.
       [Link Text](URL)
  • Images: You can insert images in Markdown by using an exclamation mark (!) followed by square brackets for the alt text and parentheses for the URL.
       ![Alt Text](Image URL)

Advanced Features

In addition to the basic syntax, Markdown also supports a number of advanced features that make it a versatile language for formatting text. Some of these include:

  • Task lists: You can create task lists by using square brackets and parentheses for checkboxes.
       - [ ] Unchecked Task
       - [x] Checked Task
  • Blockquotes: You can create blockquotes by using the greater than symbol (>).
       > Quote text goes here
  • Horizontal lines: You can create horizontal lines in Markdown by using three asterisks (***), cancel line(~), hyphens (-), or underscores (_) on a separate line.
       ** Text **
       -- Text --
       ~~ Text ~~


Markdown is a simple, yet powerful language for formatting text on the web. With its intuitive syntax and support for advanced features, it's no wonder that it has become so widely used. Whether you're creating a blog post, a wiki, or any other type of online content, Markdown is a great choice for formatting your text.

